Certificate Edit Fields Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields included in a certificate that may be edited at print time in order that they fit on a small certificate.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.

Some Vital Records Offices offer small or pocket size versions of their normal certificates. The small size of these certificates makes it difficult to fit the same quantity of information as on larger certificates. This entry specifies fields that may be edited at the time of printing the certificate in order to fit data that would otherwise have overflowed.
This Registry entry is assigned to groups:
Key | Group |
Key 1 | Group |
Key 2 | Default |
Key 3 | Table |
Key 4 | table |
Key 5 | Certificate Edit Fields |
Key 6 | Certificate Name |
Value | Prompt:field(s):length,lines:save field;... |

Group | Default | Table | table | Certificate Edit Fields | Certificate Name | Prompt:field(s):length,lines:save field;... |
Certificate Name | is the name of a certificate as recorded in the Products module. |
Prompt | is the prompt to display for the edit text. |
field(s) | is a list of database fields to be joined together for the edit text. |
length | is the maximum line length for the certificate. |
lines | is the number of lines the edited text may fit across on the certificate. |
save field | is the back-end field in which to store the edited value for use when the certificate is next printed. |
This entry specifies that for the certificate called Birth Certificate the Child Names text is made by combining the child’s Surname and Given Names. The space for the name on the certificate is two rows, each fifty characters wide. The edited text for the name will be stored in ChildNamesOverflow_tab for use when the certificate is reprinted:
Key | Setting |
Key 1 | Group |
Key 2 | Default |
Key 3 | Table |
Key 4 | ebirths |
Key 5 | Certificate Edit Fields |
Key 6 | Birth Certificate |
Value | Child Names:ChildSurname,ChildGivenNames:50,2:ChildNamesOverflow_tab |